Monday, November 25, 2013

U.S.S Maine

The USS Maine was sent to Cuba to protect interests during a time of local insurrections and civil disturbances.
3 weeks after being sent, the USS Maine was sunk in a massive explosion. This increased the desire for war because the US citizens took it as an attack from the Spanish on the US. And if someone was to attack of threaten the US people want a war, and for us to beat the attackers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


A tenement is a run down apartment building. Usually, the residents of these buildings are factory workers, or immigrants who just came over and can't pay for a place of their own. They are crowded unsanitary and usually structurally unsafe.
This image displays perfectly what a tenement used to look like. It is run down, with shacks in the front yard. It looks like it is falling apart, and doesn't look safe for anyone to like in let a lone 20-40 people at a time.
I chose this image because it shows the poor quality of living these people have to suffer through. They should of had better choices.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Triangle Factory Fire

The Triangle Factory Fire is the tragic store of a typical sweat shop in New York City. On a spring day the 9th floor of the factory caught on fire. This left many people trapped, due to the doors locked by Mill owners to ensure nobody would steal. This left 146 of 500 employees to have to choose their fates; be burned to death or jump 9 stories to splat on the pavement. This story is a huge event in history because it shows how poor crammed working conditions can lead to workers getting hurt or dying.
The image that I chose shows a crammed factory floor room. There are many people stuffed together working at their small stations. The picture shows that there wasn't much space, or many windows and you can infer that it wasn't the most comfortable work environment.
I chose this picture because it perfectly displays the poor working situation that these employees had to suffer through. The work environment that lead to the deaths in the Triangle Factory Fire. The kind of working environment that factories should have avoided but didn't.