Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Red Sox

Original:The team makes so many sacrifices to get to this position. They give up time with friends, family, and time to do other things that they enjoy. The fans add so much to how well teams do. If you have supportive fans, they feed into the energy of players. If the fans are always there cheering and supporting the team, then the team will produce for their fans. They get a lot of money, and the owners get a lot of money. If they win the get sponsors, free trips, free stuff.
Rewrite: Professional athletes make a huge sacrifice when they choose to play a sport for a career. Although they make an incredible amount of money, some of the things that go along with it aren't so glamorous. They give up chances to do the other things in life that they enjoy including: spending time with family, friends, hobbies, and relaxing. They are constantly practicing, or on the road for games. Fans also play a huge role in the outcome that the team has. If fans are committed and dedicated to their sports team, it makes the athletes want to preform well for them. They form a relationship and a bond that cant be broken. Athletes, coaches, and franchise owners do make an incredible amount of money. If the team wins the world series, they get some many more awesome things other than just a huge paycheck. They get gifts, sponsors, vacations, parades, and many other incredible things.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ellis Island Immigration

Immigration at the time was sometimes very challenging. Immigrants had to go through a series of tests, and based on how you do on those tests and how you do on the physical exam all are factors of whether or not you are allowed to stay in the US.
I chose this photo because it displays how the children that had to go through immigration. They seem lost and not as serious as parents. they didn't understand why it was such a big deal to family. They were to young to know what was really going on and how important it was to their parents.
This family is immigrating from Italy.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Present Day Child Labor

I chose this specific photograph to show what not all child labor is in awful sweltering hot factories. That the image in our head of child labor isn't always exactly how me picture it. Some children work, like this, alone with nobody around them. He is a young kid, and it is wrong for him to be working instead of being schooled. His conditions aren't as awful as those of say a Mill girl in Lowell. He is outside getting fresh air collecting flowers. So although child labor shouldn't be allowed anywhere, and all kids should have the opportunity at least this child laborer is outside getting fresh air.